I am taking two online classes at Palomar Community College. One is Painter and the other is web development. I did this cherry as my first assignment in my painter class. I basically used this ACEO painting as my model - becasue it was right here on my desk in front of me and I wanted to see how the digital oil painting might look compared to the real thing. It doesn't compare, however I am just learning. I actually like the colors in the digital one a little better maybe. It was fun to do - but it is very complicated and awkward. I find it very difficult to get the effects and colors I want and it's hard to find my way around the program. But - yes - I LOVE it. All of the discomfort and awkwardness will go away as I learn more- and boy there is a TON to learn in this program!

As for the other class - the web development class - the jury is out on that one. The so-called "teacher" hasn't taught a darn thing - no syllabus, his spelling and grammar is atrocious. He has put up the first assignment with absolutely no explanation - not even the pages or chapters to read in the text. We are supposed to test the web page before we submit it to him - ha! Test it how? What web page? How do you make this web page? This makes me very angry - I am hoping it will get better - if not I will be writing complaints to the dean and the president of the college and anyone else I can think of!
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very cool painting... love your colours... I also love 'Butterfly Drink'