Zara – oil on canvas – about 12” x 24”
February is off to a raggedy start. It is the 2nd and I am already behind schedule! I set my goals high for this month – Oh heck. I set my goals high all the time – only this time I may have gone over board! I wanted to have 15 paintings finished this month – and not little 6” x 6” ones this time. So far my back is acting up and hurting like crazy, I am not sleeping, my allergies are about as bad as they ever get and I have been fighting a migraine for about 3 days. I’ve been trying to set up a still life and light it in my studio and I can’t find the props I want, nor can I get the light right! Aarrrghhh!!!!
On the brighter side, I stopped by a camera store and got some advice, which saved myself some money. and the best part? It can only get better from here! I dropped in to Studio 2nd Street and started this portrait of Zara in Vanessa’s class. Wow, that felt so good – I haven’t seen Vanessa for probably a year! I can’t believe it’s been that long. Felt good to be back there. So, I hope to get this portrait finished this week. Tomorrow I am heading up to Laguna Beach with my daughter to see a show called “Painterly Painters” – with paintings by Linda Christensen at Sue Greenwood Fine Art. Linda Christensen is my favorite artist ever! That should be a nice break, I am excited about seeing this show!
And now I am headed off to see if I can get some sleep – I am exhausted!
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