Here it is - the finished portrait of Eric. This photo is pretty accurate I think. I am sorry about the little white flecks - that is the light reflecting off the oil paint. I am not sure how to get rid of that. I will wait until it dries a bit more and try again - but for now this photo is fine. I am very, very happy with this. In fact it may be my best work ever. Did I mention I am happy with it? It is hard to give it up, but I did. I went ahead and gave it to Nathalie last night - the longer I keep it around me the harder it will be to part with it. Painting this portrait, which is intended as a gift to Eric's parents eventually, was really quite emotional for me. It is my very small contribution of gratitude, and my way of paying a little tribute and honor to our armed forces. I have so much respect for the parents who raise their children to be patriotic, to want to serve others by risking their lives. I can't imagine how they must feel as they say goodbye and send their "baby" off to war. In this case Eric is their only child. I am just so thankful that there are a few people left in the current generations that understand that freedom is not free. I have always said that there are 3 things worth giving your life for: love, truth and freedom. Thank you Eric and everybody else who serves our Nation.
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