I am still working for my friend. I got her office area painted, and now onto the hallways. I really enjoy doing it - but my goodness it is tiring. I appreciate the extra money - I was able to purchase a drying rack for my studio. Something I have wanted for a very long time but I have been too tired to get it out of the box and set it up yet, let alone paint anything to dry on it! LOL.
My daughter found a new apartment and needed help moving over the weekend so the family gathered together and went up on Saturday, packed her up and moved her from L.A to Pasadena. Thank you Lord for my wonderful son in law. What a wonderful help, and such a generous, giving, loving attitude too.
Oh my gosh what a cute little - and I do mean little! place she has found. It is a 12' x 17' studio apartment with a private little patio and itty-bitty garden space, a tiny little kitchenette and a bathroom. TINY!! But no more coo-ca-ra-cha taco trucks, or bell ringing bicyclists selling pork rinds and horchata, but especially no more gangsta's hiding on her car port roof and no more police helicopters with spot lights flying over every night. Her commute to work will go from an hour on the freeway to about 10 minutes by bike...and it is a safe enough area that she can actually go out and jog in the evening, and she can walk to anything she needs if she wants to. Old - but so pretty. It really feels like a vacation cottage. There wasn't any place to park the Uhaul - except on the street and down a ways, so everything had to carried. I think every muscle in my body hates me right now. I ended up staying 2 extra unplanned nights to help with the last few loads in my 4 runner and to help her unpack a bit.
It's great to have family when you need a hand. I grabbed a few pictures of her new place -

This is her entrance to the complex - there are several entrances - but this is the main one

There are a lot of old trees - this twisty old guy is just to the right of her entrance gate

View once you step inside the gate. She lives in the unit under the 2 red chairs and behind the fountain. It is just covered in jasmine - the fragrance is wonderful

Thanks for hanging in there with me through all of this. I know I haven't responded to your comments and I feel rude and am behind in absolutely everything. But I want you to know that I appreciate your comments - and they keep me going. Actually - knowing that you guys are out there and bothering to look at my blog keeps me going. I will be setting aside at least one day a week to paint pretty soon - as I am beginning to feel the loss of the creativity. I already know July will be a lost month too, as I will be returning to Toledo for a week or 10 days again.
I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
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