Hat Lady – digital
Thought about naming this “Church Lady” - and I still might change it to that. LOL
I love this one. Such silliness!
As I mentioned previously - I have been "working on lightening up" a bit in my life (that phrase alone makes me snicker), and playing more. So for fun I enrolled in an online class developed by Jessica Wesolek at Cre8it.com
I took an online photography class with her a few years back and thought it was good so I gave this one a shot. NOT diasappointed and it has just started!
I have a bazillion (okay, maybe not a bazillion, but I have quite a few) art and photo apps for my iPad and iPhone already and occasionally mess around with them. Right off the bat Jessica introduces a new and free app that I don't have and hadn't heard of called PhotoPad. It has a lot of capability and is easy to use. (She also introduced us to a nifty $.99 list/to do type app called CLEAR - very, very simple, basic, and brand new.)
By the way - I don't wear hats, the hat was completely drawn and painted in using the PhotoPad app. You can tell if you look - these were done quickly and playfully - but I am loving the potential of this app.
So these altered photos are really from stuff I am doing/learning in Jessica's class with just one app - PhotoPad by Zagg. You can find it in the iTunes store - or look for it where ever you get your apps. Zagg makes the best shields for your iPhone and iPad - and you can actually upload your artwork to Zagg and make a skin for your device.
(I took these self portrait photos a long time ago with some other phone app - I don't even remember which one now - but (obviously)it had an option to distort in various ways so these old pics were hanging around - finally found something to do with them!)
They make me giggle a little...
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