8" x 10"
Mixed Media Collage on canvas
Here is another older work. These pices just got back from a show at the Brandon Gallery in Fallbrook. Unfortunately I never got to go see the show as i was busy with the wedding. It is a nice gallery in a very cute and arty town - a nice place to visit for a day.8" x 10"
Mixed Media Collage on canvas
Today was so aggravating! I am trying to catch up in my digital painting class and my Painter program simply won't cooperate. I spent the entire day un-installing - reinstalling - removing programs - deleting files - blah blah blah. Didn't even get into the studio and I had such great plans for today. I have emailed Corel about the problem, and will have to wait a couple of days for a response and then probably have to call the Geek Squad anyway. I have loaded the program on my desk top now - but it has limited options, maybe I can at least get one assignment underway and begin to catch up. Tomorrow is another day...tomorrow I will PAINT first! then work on the digital stuff. I have plans for a large - maybe 4' x 5' - "corporate portrait" of my husband and I am eager to get going on it. I need to get some exercise in here somewhere too - Okay , exercise first, paint second - digital third. We will see...
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