Oil on canvas board
6” x 6”
(approx. 15.24 x 15.24 cm)

Oil on canvas board
6” x 6”
(approx. 15.24 x 15.24 cm)
Wow, does it ever feel good to get back to painting. This month is so busy - Rick's parents and one of his sister's and her two boys are here visiting and we are having a great time just hanging out and relaxing. Spent the weekend up at the lake again. It's really great but it is keeping me out of the studio, and that makes me antsy. This morning I did the #28 Pear Reflection on Purple followed by #29 Green Pear on Dark Pink. I had started #29 a couple of weeks ago and it just bugged me so I never posted it. This morning I worked on it more, and now I am at least happy enough to get it up here and also on EBay. I really like the #28 Pear Reflection on Purple. I emailed it to show Nathalie (my daughter - yes, we have the same name) and she liked it too - and asked me to set it aside for her. So no EBay for that one! I have deadlines looming for so many things! I have got to get to work and get these painting done for these shows I have committed too! I am disappointed that none of my ACEO's have sold. I have been watching and I see that it is pretty darn important to get these things posted at 12:01AM of the very first day of the contest. That way they go on the first page usually - mine are toward the back and hardly anybody has even looked at them. I think they are bored and tired by the time the get to the page my cards are on. At least I prefer to think that over thinking that they suck and people just don't like them!! - Nah. that can't be it! I am going to make a couple of larger painting from them. I like them.
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