11" x 14"
oil on Masonite
I went to painting class today - finally... and forgot to take paint. Can you believe that? DUH! It worked out okay though. Vanessa gave me some peach-black, which is basically just a slightly warm black really, and I had a little cad-red still on my palette. I've had these ideas kicking around in my head about color values, and layers, and abstractions, and working more creatively from my head, but based in reality and representation. This just seemed like a good opportunity to start some sketches that I can experiment with later. We will see what they turn into, if anything.
Now,back to playing tag and 7 interesting things about me.
Kellie Hill tagged me and the rules are pretty simple. I tell 7 interesting things about myself and then tag 7 other people and on it goes. Actually it's a fun way to introduce people around.
1. I like to paint round or roundish things. But most of you that know me already know that so maybe that is not so interesting. Okay - how about this then - I love, love, love to go to hands-on museums - yep the ones that are mostly for little kids - love it.
2. I have an insatiable appetite for learning - anything, everything. The only problem is I have really poor retention. When ever I hear of anything new or different I have to research it. I love to research stuff. I've had at least a bazillion minor concussions in my life, I like to blame my poor memory on that. When I was 9I read the Bible through, then a Websters Dictionary and then started on the Encyclopedia Britannica - but I didn't get very far with that one. I would play a Dictionary word game under the covers at night with a flash light where I would start with a word then look up a word in the definition and go on and on endlessly. I used to have a big vocabulary...then I had babies it was reduced to one and two syllable words, I've never recovered.
3. I have some kind of thing abut mail. I can buy cards and address them and stamp them and never mail them. When my daughters graduated from High School and college I bought all the really nice announcements, addressed them, stamped them and two years later threw them all out. I have either a mental or emotional block regarding birthdays and holidays too. It is a problem, doesn't make for a good friend or family member. I have spent hundreds of dollar on electronic reminders and calenders and all sorts of gimmicks to remind me, purchased and pre-addressed crates of cards, and now I have just given up. I think I had one year that I did send a birthday and anniversary card to everyone.
4. Most of what I think are the most interesting things about me I don't like to talk about, and so I don't. That's kind of lame - so how about this? we home schooled our girls on and off up to high school. We were pioneers in the movement, and I was terrified most of the time.
5. I love - well used to love - to play volleyball. At one time I was on 3 leagues at the same time and played indoors and beach volleyball about 40 hours a week. We were homeschooling our girls, and my oldest daughter played too. I quit when we moved in 1994 and promptly gained 40 pounds, which I still have.
6. I am a born-again-spirit-filled-on-fire-pew-jumping-chandelier-swinging-Christian. I love Jesus and the Bible, but I am NOT religious and I hate being called or referred to as religious.
7. When I was about 15 I was told by 3 separate doctors that I had a retina problem. There was no fix, no cure, nothing cold be done for it at that time, and I would be blind probably by the time I was 16. I made it a point to look and see and study and try to memorize everything I could get in front of my eyes. While I prayed a lot asking God to heal my eyes, I knew He could. I would blindfold myself and practice being blind. I checked out braille books from the library and started teaching myself. I did not go blind and when I went back to the doctors, all 3 could not explain what happened but I was totally healed of the problem. I remember one Doctor said he must have written it down wrong. I don't just believe that God can heal, I know He can. I believe in the supernatural. I believe in miracles. I am one.
Okay - there are 7. Now I will tag 7 other incredible artists - be sure to take the time to check their sites:
2. I have an insatiable appetite for learning - anything, everything. The only problem is I have really poor retention. When ever I hear of anything new or different I have to research it. I love to research stuff. I've had at least a bazillion minor concussions in my life, I like to blame my poor memory on that. When I was 9I read the Bible through, then a Websters Dictionary and then started on the Encyclopedia Britannica - but I didn't get very far with that one. I would play a Dictionary word game under the covers at night with a flash light where I would start with a word then look up a word in the definition and go on and on endlessly. I used to have a big vocabulary...then I had babies it was reduced to one and two syllable words, I've never recovered.
3. I have some kind of thing abut mail. I can buy cards and address them and stamp them and never mail them. When my daughters graduated from High School and college I bought all the really nice announcements, addressed them, stamped them and two years later threw them all out. I have either a mental or emotional block regarding birthdays and holidays too. It is a problem, doesn't make for a good friend or family member. I have spent hundreds of dollar on electronic reminders and calenders and all sorts of gimmicks to remind me, purchased and pre-addressed crates of cards, and now I have just given up. I think I had one year that I did send a birthday and anniversary card to everyone.
4. Most of what I think are the most interesting things about me I don't like to talk about, and so I don't. That's kind of lame - so how about this? we home schooled our girls on and off up to high school. We were pioneers in the movement, and I was terrified most of the time.
5. I love - well used to love - to play volleyball. At one time I was on 3 leagues at the same time and played indoors and beach volleyball about 40 hours a week. We were homeschooling our girls, and my oldest daughter played too. I quit when we moved in 1994 and promptly gained 40 pounds, which I still have.
6. I am a born-again-spirit-filled-on-fire-pew-jumping-chandelier-swinging-Christian. I love Jesus and the Bible, but I am NOT religious and I hate being called or referred to as religious.
7. When I was about 15 I was told by 3 separate doctors that I had a retina problem. There was no fix, no cure, nothing cold be done for it at that time, and I would be blind probably by the time I was 16. I made it a point to look and see and study and try to memorize everything I could get in front of my eyes. While I prayed a lot asking God to heal my eyes, I knew He could. I would blindfold myself and practice being blind. I checked out braille books from the library and started teaching myself. I did not go blind and when I went back to the doctors, all 3 could not explain what happened but I was totally healed of the problem. I remember one Doctor said he must have written it down wrong. I don't just believe that God can heal, I know He can. I believe in the supernatural. I believe in miracles. I am one.
Okay - there are 7. Now I will tag 7 other incredible artists - be sure to take the time to check their sites:
Lisa Bebi
Jeanne Bauer
Karen Chew
Carolyn Finnell
Carolyn Rekerdres
Shelley Hocknell Zentner
I need to change things up and get them working right and I don't want to lose you :)
Jeanne Bauer
Karen Chew
Carolyn Finnell
Carolyn Rekerdres
Shelley Hocknell Zentner
I need to change things up and get them working right and I don't want to lose you :)
Your description of your born-again self made me smile and laugh out loud! I, too, cringe at the whole "religious" thing -- religion just gets in the way of relationship with God!