Friday, January 25, 2008

BIG Daily Painting

Here is the START of the painting I am doing for Rick's office. It is basically huge...well, at least quite large. 4 feet x 5 feet. I am spelling the word feet so you won't mistake a ' for a " since I have been working so small lately. You might think that I think that 4" x 5" might be huge at this point. after all it would be twice as large as I've been painting. I've been working on it most of the morning and decided to take a lunch break and post my progress. I have no idea where it is going, but it seems very biographical at this point, like "The Story of Rick." - I am just painting on instinct and developing what ever I see in the painting as I go. Does that make sense?
Off for a quick nap and then I hope I will have time to play with a little 2"x 3" painting before Rick comes home.

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