
Oh my gosh - will ya look at this? It's like Christmas!

I laid out all of the contents on the floor and took my time opening and savoring each treasure. There was this cool vintage paper tube with metal ends - I have no idea what I will make with this - but it is cool anyway - a beautiful rich amber brown color and texture -

Here's smiley guy, some paper goodies, some shiny numbers and really cool old, old Asian photographs of some sort.

Some beautiful fabrics and red plaid bias tape,

the round kitchen conversion chart is a magnet and might just find a home on my fridge, some really neat things I am nor sure how to describe, I guess ceramic and plastic cabochon type thingies, and a metal flower like decorative thing - all great for an altered book I think...and hey - look! That's why smiley guy is so happy - do you think it is a civil wedding maybe?

siness card. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the artwork!!!
...there is an amp meter, an old metal canteen from Junk Yard Queens - there is a vintage bottle too, and of course the microscope - I can't wait to play with the microscope - hmmm, I uploaded the photos but I don't know where they are - (I wish I was better at this computer stuff)
Here is one of the best thing in the whole box - a piece of art by Silvia/Siver Moon, and a post card with a note to me - and her business card...

There is a section of vintage carpenter's ruler - which I have always loved those things. I have one that I use and play with, but it is not as old and cool as this one, and then there is this cool little 1927 book titled The Bright Side o'Things, inside there is a note that reads "a Merry Christmas - to one who sees the bright side - from one who is going to do better"
I love that!!

Silver Moon Studios
Art Pub Studios
Thank you Sylvia Luna! You have blessed me.
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