oil on hardboard
Happy New Year to all of you - and a belated Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a happy what ever else you might be celebrating. I did not get cards out this year, I am just terminally behind. The good news is 2008 is finished and 2009 is new. Time to leave yesterday and all the old unfinished and failed stuff behind- leave it in the past, in my dust, and move forward into the new and fresh and build new successes. Time to plan, set some goals, learn from past experiences and apply lessons learned as I move forward.
I did this painting just before Christmas, but didn't get it posted. This year is off to a rough start a little bit. Rick and I have both been sick on and off, and just dragging in general. By this time I would have liked to have decided on my theme for this year, some goals set, thank you cards sent, phone calls made - but no. I have spent so much time on the sofa I am becoming sofa shaped myself!
Well,not to be discouraged. It's good to get this out of the way early and have it over with for the year. I do not claim or predict that it is going to be a bad year just becasue it doesn't start the way I want it too...in fact I predict, claim and prophesy an awesome, wonderful, full and successful year to come. I refuse to participate in the economic and every other kind of disaster I hear about on the news.
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