Jefferson Memorial 2
5" x 6"
Oil on Hardboard
available for purchase - email me
I thought I'd take a second go at the Jefferson Memorial. I like this one much better I think, not so over worked. Not too much to say today - worked all afternoon on the big painting - messed it up, fixed it, messed it up fixed it, and so it goes.
Here are some current studio views - I took a break and saw my camera laying there and well - here ya are.

I should probably be embarrassed instead of showing these - but I like to see artist studios and how other people work - so here goes. This is my oil/acrylic painting studio. It is a converted bedroom of average size...oh, 11' x 12' - something like that. This is how I am currently working on the 4 x 5 portrait. I use a computer table for a palette and have rolled it right in front of the painting. Since I am working mostly on the face right now - having the table in front of the painting keeps me at good distance and from getting all picky and detaily - I don't think that is a word. Also, I prefer to work from life - but when that is not possible then a computer screen is the next best thing - here I can set my laptop up right in front of me too.

This is exactly opposite the wall with the big painting - you can see today's daily painting on the easel still. Also - the lighting is a real problem and I have lights all over the place which I am constantly struggling with and tripping over the cords - it's problem, and a mess and in spite of all the lights - I still can't configure them so I can work at night.

This last photo is taken from the door into the studio. The window is a north window - but the neighbors house is so close that the sun reflects off the roof and makes it like - well not like a north window - there is constant change and glare and I usually keep the blinds fairly closed. To the right of the window are shelves we put up for drying racks. Just 1 x 4's with a little molding tacked on to keep things from sliding off.There is an air purifier in there somewhere which I forget to turn on until my eyes are hurting, and another painting that is in progress - but really abandoned - I need to just start it over and throw this one out - the rest is just stuff and junk that finds it way in and never finds it way back out. In the closet we took out the hanging rods and installed shelving for still life stuff and supplies and canvases. We have more 1 x 4's laying on the floor of the garage - been there for months and months - one of these days we'll get those put up and I'll have more drying racks in there too. There ya have it. My mess, which I love, and am so grateful to have.
I thought I said I wasn't going to do these ridiculously long posts....Okay - this is the last long one!
I like this last one of the Memorial. The pics of your studio are great I also like to see how other people have their place set up. Thanks
ReplyDeleteIts not mess, its your work space. I too love seeing where people work, its like an insight into their world. My space in a continually moving space because its wherever I choose to do something at that point so normally on the sofa :)