Oil on hardboard
6" x 6"
Well, here is another painting I did before Christmas - sure is nice to have a couple of paintings waiting in the wings for the days that just don't go as expected. I am still not feeling on top of the world - but much better.
I don't have a title for these paintings. I don't have title for this blog. This year is off to a slow and very unimpressive start - "starting out behind already" seems to be a consistent thing for me. I did start preparations for a 36" x 48" canvas for a corporate portrait. I am eager to get going on that one.
Here is what is going through my head these days regarding art; passion, vision and substance. Can passion be taught? Can you have a vision without passion? What is substance in a work of art? Where is the line drawn between commercial art and fine art? Can fine art be marketable art? If you are making marketable art then is it commercial by default? and that is just the beginning....
I saw a report on the news that thinking a lot leads to being overweight! AH HA!!! - so THAT is my problem! If I could find a way to turn my brain off would I lose weight? The scale says I am a GREAT thinker!!! LOL
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