#17 Speckled Egg; New Daily Painting a Day; Acrylic

#17 Speckled Egg - New Daily Oil Painting a Day
5" x 7"
(approx. 12.7cm x 18.75 cm)
I've been wanting to play and experiment for a while now, so I am taking some time to do it. This painting is from life. I do have a little blue speckled egg - but I really played with and pushed the color a lot. It was fun, and I want to do more. I hope you like it.
I am pretty much just copying today's blog from my eBay blog - I still have so much catching up to do and I am feeling kind of draggy again, like I am getting a cold, which would be really super weird for me. I mean I was just sort of sick in Santa Fe with a cold or something and I usually go at least a year and often two years between colds. I just don't get them, I don't get sick very often. I have plenty of aches and pains and tendinitis - but I don't get sick. So as eager as I am to get back to painting, I guess I'm going to take it easy a for a few days.
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